Universal Consent & Preferences Management

Streamline your first-party data strategy

Data-driven brands need a single source of truth for their consumer data.

Sourcepoint’s solution syndicates advertising consent and marketing preferences together so brands can activate all of their first-party data in a compliant and ethical manner.

Empower your customers to control their data and protect your business assets.



Make consumer data permission siloes a thing of the past

As we emerge into the post-third-party-cookie future, data governance is more important than ever. Sustainable first-party data management requires a unified view of consumer preferences — not only how do they want to communicate, but what data do they want to share, and for what purpose?

Build trust with consumers with a one-stop shop to control their personal data


Deploy fully customizable preference centers across all devices and channels to power personalized experiences for your customers.

Create a single source of truth for consent and preferences


Now your teams can know which consumer data can be used for what marketing purposes. Build efficiency and reduce regulatory risk with an integrated marketing preference and consent solution.


Syndicate consumer preferences and consents across all channels and devices


Connect your marketing ecosystem via robust integrations with leading martech platforms for seamless orchestration that make marketing, product, and legal teams happy.

Download the guide to bridging the legal compliance and marketing gap


Customizable message builder

Create an integrated consumer preference and privacy manager that’s on brand and intuitive to use

Omnichannel management

Empower your customers to manage their communication preferences across SMS, direct mail, email, and phone

Unified preferences dashboard

Integrate your consumers’ data consents with their communication preferences to create a single source of truth

Integration hub

Connect your marketing ecosystem and build custom orchestration workflows

Cross-device support

Capture and manage preferences across mobile apps, desktop web, and CTV


30 billion…

monthly consumer touchpoints

4 billion…

Sourcepoint-powered messages delivered to consumers

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