
Unlimited Data Export for Easier Privacy Audits and CMP Disclosures

Marina Pappa, Product Manager
July 12, 2024

Keeping track of all your tracking technology partners to ensure compliance with privacy regulations can be challenging and time-consuming. That’s why we’re excited to introduce a powerful new feature in your Diagnose Compliance Monitoring dashboard: Report Requests

Available now, this feature is designed to make data integration, historical insights, compliance reporting, and data access more efficient than ever before.

Seamless Data Integration

Effortlessly export data to CSV files, making it simple to integrate with analytics tools like Power BI and Looker Studio. Now, you can unify your data sources and gain deeper insights without any hassle.

Comprehensive Historical Insights

Gain valuable insights over any desired period with customizable date ranges in your reports. Whether you need data for a month, a year, or more, our new feature supports thorough privacy audits and detailed analysis.

Streamlined Compliance Reporting

Simplify the creation of mandatory disclosures with pre-configured, automated report requests. This feature reduces the time and effort needed for CMP disclosures and to maintain public cookie pages, as required in the Nordics or for Oregon’s new state privacy law.

Immediate Data Access

Receive detailed reports directly to your email in your preferred format. Each requested metric is delivered as a CSV file, ensuring you have immediate access to the data you need, without delays.

How It Works

Requesting a report is straightforward:

1. From any metric dashboard in Diagnose, select the desired dashboard metric.

2. Click on the down-arrow next to the Apply button and choose “Request Report.”

3. Configure the request by selecting properties, regions, date range, and metrics.

4. Submit your request and receive the reports directly in your email.

We are committed to providing solutions that simplify data management and compliance. The new Report Request feature is designed to enhance your data handling capabilities, making it easier to stay informed, compliant, and efficient. Embrace this new functionality to streamline your workflows and elevate your data management strategies.

For more detailed information, visit our help article.

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