Find trackers putting you at data privacy risk

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Uncover vulnerabilities putting your marketing and data privacy at risk

Data privacy compliance and marketing are more intertwined than ever. Privacy vulnerabilities from unauthorized tech or fraudulent traffic affect your compliance and are barriers to your marketing and your user journeys. A monitoring solution for your websites and apps is vital.

Manage data privacy compliance


Diagnose unauthorized and non-consented tech on your website. Report on downstream data collection like piggybacking tags and excessive redirects. Prevent privacy risks by blocking broken consent strings, unauthorized pixels, cookies, and non-consented tech.



Prevent invalid traffic and fraud


Detect invalid cookies and bots with granular analytics based on region, visits, user consent behavior, and more. Utilize insights to block unauthorized tags, cookies and pixels, and protect first-party data by excluding unauthorized third parties and rightsize marketing budget allocations.

Maintain user journey health


Maintain the health of user journeys. Scan for different user choice scenarios paths and ensure that third parties are respecting privacy choices, not performing fingerprinting or dropping persistent or excessively large cookies that can slow down the performance of your site and negatively impact the user experience.


30 billion

monthly consumer touchpoints

4 billion

Sourcepoint-powered messages delivered to consumers


Watch an open demo of Diagnose scanning and compliance monitoring solution and learn how to address third-party risks lurking on your digital properties.


We provide a comprehensive overview of our Diagnose compliance monitoring product.


See our data privacy platform in action

Interested in learning more? Let’s talk about how to hit your data privacy compliance objectives, prevent marketing fraud, and optimize your customer experience.


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