Get The Enterprise Guide To Cookie Management & Tracker List Curation

Uncover your marketing, data privacy and cookie vulnerabilities

Download our guide to scanning the downstream cookies, pixels and tracking technologies lurking on your website, and reduce data privacy risk and marketing vulnerabilities right under your nose.

Uncover the downstream cookies exposing you to marketing & data privacy risk

Creating a seamless customer experience and protecting your customers’ data privacy is vital, especially the cookie consent management and tracking technologies you use to serve personalized user experiences. Not managing downstream and third-party cookies can put you at risk. Read our guide to assess and understand your cookies, trackers and pixels.

When it comes to marketing and data privacy risks, you are who you work with


Every pixel or cookie you use on your website affects your marketing, consent management, data privacy and reputation. You can decide on the third-parties you use, but are you, in turn, aware of their partners? Scanning and identifying all your third-parties is a critical exercise for cross-functional teams.



The pixels and cookies you use affect your customer journey


Website performance is vital whether you’re a retailer, publisher or in eCommerce. The cookies and pixels on your website affect website performance, loading times and Google rank. Cookie management and auditing your cookies will optimize your marketing investments.

Every cookie, tag and script on your site’s backend impacts trust


Assure you control and are managing your consumers’ consent and cookies and trackers on your website to avoid the millions — sometimes billions — in fines and settlements paid by brands like Meta (Facebook), Home Depot, the Boston Globe, and many others.


30 billion

monthly consumer touchpoints

4 billion

Sourcepoint-powered messages delivered to consumers


Watch an open demo of Diagnose scanning and compliance monitoring solution and learn how to address third-party risks lurking on your digital properties.


We’ll provide a comprehensive overview of our Diagnose cookie management and compliance monitoring product.


See our data privacy platform in action

Interested in learning more? Let’s talk about your data privacy compliance, marketing fraud prevention, cookie consent management and optimizing your customer experience.


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